Science and Spirituality

Monday, 9 September 2019

Sensation Acts upon Brain, Perception Reacts from Heart

To grasp nursery rhyme at childhood, everybody recalls, what is ‘learn by heart’. Also, the expression of a broken heart is a reference to grief, or to love of disappointed romance. From longing of ages around the planet, it carries the same meaning with us all.
In Sanskrit, it may imply both the anatomical object, and mind or soul representing the seat of emotions. The Chinese temperament for heart is seen as the centre of Spirit and Consciousness. To ancient Egyptians concept, heart is identified as the centre of emotions, reason or intellect. Many classical philosophers along with scientists considered the heart is the seat of thought, reason and emotion; often disregarding the brain as contributing to those functions. In Dictionaries, heart actually used to refer to an individual’s character, or the place within a person where sensations or emotions are considered to come from, and acknowledged as perception.
Sensation acts, by internal or external stimulation, from five sensory-organs is inevitable for human being. That is the sensory receptors detected the stimuli first. These stimuli are transduced into electrical impulses. Electrical impulses, may be called action potentials, play a central role to communicate signals to be decoded by the brain-function. In any sequence, electrical impulses thus move along neural pathways. Ultimately, specific part of the human brain could work instantaneously by decoding these impulses into information. Actually, it generates by a neuron as ‘spike train’, and is getting ready to be synchronized through heart. 

Where an individual experiences sensory loss, may be dysfunction of sensation process; but experimental evidence shows there the effect is perception based. Why?

Perception mainly is to organize, identify, and interpret the sensory information in order to represent and understood by processing the sensory inputs, and connecting with human concepts. Perception, may be, depends on complex functions of the nervous system, but subjectively seems mostly effortless because this processing happens outside conscious awareness. Then, where this perception actually comes from? Seems it only react by heart through creating opposite impulses in a human body. 

The perceptual systems that designed to make inferences based on sense. This system of the brain enables individuals to acknowledge, even though the sensory information is typically incomplete and rapidly varying. Our perception always becomes more selective and we finally get it by heart. Perception mainly is such a bottom-up process where brain of individuals touches the destination to heart, by heart. 

Cognitive theories of perception believe there is always overall deficiency of stimulus. That is their claim that sensations are unable to provide an authentic perception. Therefore, sensations to be decoded into useful information require enriching in which there is the role of the heart’s initiative order.

Perception is based upon sensations of course, but the information is actually presented to the perceptual systems, which is bound to motivate by heart. Science has so many observations; but, in contrast, experimentation is somehow a little. It is totally dark-side of heart, whatever be, explicated so far as tacit knowledge. 

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