Then, plasma is the most common state of being in this
Primordial being would one that exhibit itself in a
continuous process. Say light. Compton Effect is the scattering of a photon by
a negatively charged particle i.e. electron. It results in a decrease in energy,
and at the same time increase in wavelength of the photon. Part of the energy
of the photon is transferred to the recoiling electron. Not only have that,
Inverse Compton scattering occurs simultaneously when the electron transformed
part of its energy to the photon. This is so far a continuous process of
natural phenomenon of light, where photon never exhibit as wave.
Thus, light is created as a being in the universe
where plasma state exists. One cannot explain this light purely as a wave
phenomenon. Compton ’s experiment convinced that light can be treated as
stream of particles i.e. quanta called photon.
On the contrary, electron plays an essential role in
dark phenomenon i.e. darkness. By any occurrence, electrons only exhibit
properties of both particles and waves. Light is such a phenomenon where electron
by action is initiated as particle, and by reaction merges into darkness i.e. nothingness
as wave. This incidence in the universe also implies that where randomness
persists there may be a reason of expanding.
Here nothingness should treat as Shaktipurna
Shunyata i.e. the void full of energy.
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