Science and Spirituality

Friday, 25 September 2015

Ultimately, Mind Is Nothing but Wave

The term ‘wave’ should consider as a moving disturbance in space-time as a whole. This moving disturbance is intuitively understood as oscillations or vibrations. In a wave, the energy of a vibration/oscillation is moving away from the source, or moving in from outer-source, in the form of a disturbance occupying the space-time.
Obviously, the description of waves is closely related to their physical origin for each specific instance of a wave process. Acoustics is not distinguished from optics, because properties of both may generalize to all waves that are always in the form of oscillation/vibration.

Graphical representation of a wave moving in from outer-source:

Graphical representation of a wave moving away from the source:

Information appears as wave started either in negatively charge or in positively charge from outer-source in respect of human beings. It seems informations above 75% are usually negatively charge, and below 25% are by positively charge; this is where most information originates. Actually, the cumulative form of such ionized state is mind itself that is nothing but wave.

In detail, may please go through the blog: Soul, Mind, and Consciousness.

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