Our Sun is nothing but a giant glowing ball of gas.
The Sun’s surface, that is photosphere, is the transparent surface of the Sun where the photons escape as visible light. It comes out from that ‘solar-interior’ layer as photon what we called light particle.
Today’s science informed us that this photon emerging from core of the Sun travels only one centimeter before it scattered into another direction because of electron’s obstacle. Where there it takes only two seconds to get out straight from core to surface, there it takes thirty thousand years for zigzag phenomena of electron’s barrier.
After all, it takes 8 minutes 19 seconds to cover 15 crore kilometres surface to earth.
The Sun’s surface or photosphere is not only defined as a place where photons go from travelling in zigzag-path by electrons obstacle, but also a place of ‘Shabdabrahma’ which is similar to humming sound of ‘busy bee’.
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