Science and Spirituality

Friday, 8 November 2013

Who is sickness less (Nirog) human being?

Who is sickness less human being and healthy one? What would be the definition of such person in terms of medical sciences?

Simply illness less person is he, who inhales an equal quantity of air with the help of both left and right nose at a time. Thus, medically fit should recognize those, whom are inhaling oxygen equally from both noses to serve purpose of lungs.

Our inner body functions aimlessly due to variations of intake air from atmosphere. Variations of breathing-in thus crop up adverse phenomena, and left you incline into various diseases. On principle, it is the precondition of sickness. Although Tibetan treatment considers the malfunctioning of right-lung results the beginning of all diseases.

In a view of spiritual manner, Etheric Body holds the blueprint of our physical body; illnesses collect here before manifesting in the physical. This Etheric Body is the physical body’s energy matrix and is obviously connected to the Astral or Emotional Body. Idā & Pingalā, by Tāntric Outlook, refer to as functioning of left nose and right nose.

Prānāyām actually helps us on living in sound condition.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Light and darkness are always entwined with sound

Earth atmosphere divided into several layers: troposphere-stratosphere-ionosphere-exosphere and so on. This atmosphere of Earth is a layer surrounding the planet Earth that retained by Earth’s gravity.

Our Purāna indicates this layer as ‘Antariksha’, where energy wandered absolutely by propagation of sound.
Ionosphere, includes the thermosphere and parts of mesosphere & exosphere, is a region that always ionized by solar radiation. Ionization depends primarily on the Sun’s activity that signifies light. In addition, this division of the atmosphere into layers mostly differs by temperature, is also such phenomenon where light as well as darkness exists. Today’s science confirms, that ionosphere is a shell of electrons and electrically charged atoms & molecules that surround the Earth. It has a valuable importance because of radio propagation. That means, in no way, there exists anything but sound.

However, being a phenomenon of wave-particle duality, sounds have no different identity other than light.

In our five sense organs (Pancha-Indriya), eyes work through light. It is that form of cumulative ionization where propagation of sound exists. Accordingly, other sense organs like nose-tongue-skin are working similar to that of propagation, which is sound itself.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Photosphere, the Sun’s surface, is obviously ‘Shabdabrahma’.

Our Sun is nothing but a giant glowing ball of gas.

The Sun’s surface, that is photosphere, is the transparent surface of the Sun where the photons escape as visible light. It comes out from that ‘solar-interior’ layer as photon what we called light particle.

Today’s science informed us that this photon emerging from core of the Sun travels only one centimeter before it scattered into another direction because of electron’s obstacle. Where there it takes only two seconds to get out straight from core to surface, there it takes thirty thousand years for zigzag phenomena of electron’s barrier.
After all, it takes 8 minutes 19 seconds to cover 15 crore kilometres surface to earth.

The Sun’s surface or photosphere is not only defined as a place where photons go from travelling in zigzag-path by electrons obstacle, but also a place of ‘Shabdabrahma’ which is similar to humming sound of ‘busy bee’.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Are letters behaving as particles?

Every language has its own writing-script, that is, alphabet. There obviously have vowels and consonants.
Any alphabet or a set of letters, while pronounce individually, seem to have Phonon characteristics. Particle physics details, Phonon are a quantum mechanical description of a special type of vibrational motion. Its normal mode is important for wave-like phenomena in classical mechanics. They always have particle-like properties in the wave-particle duality.
Phonons are Bosons as they are symmetric under exchange.
In this hypothesis, vowels constantly have Boson-characteristics, and consonants have Fermions. Vowels may be either elementary or composite as Bosons. Moreover, they are often force carrier particles.
Alphabets like a-i-u are vowels as independent as elementary particles. Maybe they have Boson-characteristics, but e-o is composites. In addition, each consonant are Fermion-characteristics. They obviously have to pronounce with the carrier Bosons, that is, with the vowels.
Initially each letter, while enunciate, creates wave as Phonon-like; and in the ultimate end that wave function incorporates electro-magnetic field, being as photon. In our Indian ancient literature Purānas, it is called ‘sphotan’ that is the ‘sphuta-bāk’, and as a resultant which have to mix-up within the ‘parā-bāk’ i.e. AIUM (ૐ).

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Spirituality and Power (ૐ)

Spirituality means Adhyātma. This Adhyātma derived from our parent language Sanskrit. And every sister languages, originated from Sanskrit, denotes this English word Spirituality as Adhyātma.
Adhyātma = Adhi + Atˎ- Manˎ
The above word Manˎ (manasˎ i.e. mind) is always moving (Atˎ) to proceed, but never back. This movement of Manˎ, which formulates wave, is nothing but wave. In quantum physics, wave-function is ultimately detailing about energy in a certain space and time. By our spiritual term, energy is called power, we know. Thus, Adhyātma is defined to know what power is, that means the indication of 'OM'. Whatever maybe, the real spirit of human being is to acknowledge power, is true in the context of spirituality.
Knowledge, our Purānas described it as Bishuddhi, is power we know. This power structured by 'ૐ', that is AIUM. Here A-I-U defines and stands for three dimensional spaces & M for time-dimension. Maybe this ''AIUM'' goes west in the name of Yahweh, and pronunciates as YHWH. It is formed from a combination of the Latinized consonants of the Hebrew word 'YHWH' with the vowels of the Hebrew word Adonai (Master, Lord).
Westerners believed that God’s name the ‘I am’, reveals the fullness of His nature, all the God’s nature and attributes are embodied in His name. Here ‘Y’ is associated with the sound a ‘long e’, as team. ‘H’ is associated with the sound a ‘short a’, as ah! The ‘W’ is associated with the vowel ‘u’ and produces the sound in the word ‘cool’. Accordingly, the name of the creator sounds something like ‘ee-ah-oo-ah’, with the accent on the second of the three syllables, as is the pronunciation convention in Hebrew. That is I like to tell the very sound of AIUM (ૐ)
To know this very concept of power, that is the Bishuddhi, is to acknowledge almighty the AIUM (ૐ).

Friday, 22 March 2013

Soul, Mind, and Consciousness

In every system, there must have negative (–ve), positive (+ve), and shunya (0) order. Same as in a matter, there will be electron-proton-neutron.
Even an incidence or phenomenon we observe, it is also feasible as previously mentioned order.
Each incidence reflects entering upon our soul-space from ‘Outside-In’. That is from outside they would reflect by getting-in. Wandering this outside location, you know, that information enters from Mahashunya. Maybe it is from ‘supermind’ space as told by Sri Aurobindo.
Soul-space in respect of human being is one's gravitational zone. Maybe it is called ‘overmind’ space as per coinage of Sri Aurobindo. Actually, one’s gravitational region is simply the elliptical orbit from the soul-star point (six inches high above the head) to earth-star point (six inches below the feet).
Our mind instantly detects –ve ions with the help of sensual organ (Pancha-Indriya) that is by our ears, eyes, nose, etc. This –ve arc, information curve, rises from one’s soul-space and enters into the mind-space. In fact, the cumulative form of that ionized state is mind itself, is simply being a wave.
Consciousness is such a phenomenon that synchrony +ve ion which produces our brain-cell (microtubules) at that sequential time.

Mind it, while system demands alternate ionization may take its course in any situation.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Mankind Survived by Power-ૐ (AIUM) from the Last Ice-Age

Wurm Glacials or last ice-age begins start from 1,00,000 years to 12,000 years before present. Now we are living in that period called inter-glacials or glacial-epoch. Western Researchers analyzed that this Ice-Age had major effects on the developments of human beings. Rigorous conditions caused by the extension of the ice shifted the areas of population. People were forced towards the central belt of the planet for their survival.
Where is this Central-belt?
Our Purānas described this Indian Sub-continent as JAMBUDWEEP that is the ‘Centre of the World’. Also in Chinese, the meaning of the word ZHONGGUO is ‘the middle kingdom’. Pronunciation of Jambu and Zhongguo are nearly same, one originates from Sanskrit and the other from Sino-Tibetan language. Moreover, in a certain period, a part of today’s China was in this Indian Sub-continent Jambu.
Rig-Veda indicates one JALA-PRALAY (great exodus) in which survived our 7-Sages. The SAPTARSHI (7-Sages) is stars in general, and more particularly to that constellation which in the northern parts of India was most prominent. That is more prominent from the Jambu.
They are our ancestors. They survived their next-generation from rigorous conditions of last ice-age. They learnt to adapt as best they could chanting the Power-OM i.e. AIUM (ૐ) to input energy and control body temperature to the centuries of bitter cold.
In fact, the Power-AIUM (ૐ) taught to survive mankind at that crucial age.

Why the Sound (ૐ) Deserves Research for Upcoming Days of Physics

So far, a biggest challenge in every aspect of space search is ‘noise’. Those random environmental disturbances  always disrupt any  measure...